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Baltimore City Public Schools
The Maryland Department of Housing
and Community Development
The Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family
Charitable Funds
Chip and George Doetsch ’59
The France-Merrick Foundation
The Cordish Family Foundation
The Abell Foundation
Stanford C. Reed ’38
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company
Kurt Schmoke ’67
Edward ’38, Seymour ’44 and Leonard Attman



Dr. Raymond Banks ’65
The Herbert Bearman Foundation
The Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries
The CSX Corporation
Sarah and David Daneker ’59
Robert Embry ’55
The Estate of Adolphus W. Emmons III
Bailey and Stanley Fine ’61
Arnold Fruman ’64
Jim French and Martha Holleman in honor of John R. French ’47 and John P. French ’15
Michael Glick ’65
Laurie Feinberg in honor of Ben ’10 and Harry Chello ’14
Bill Geenen and Lillie Stewart in honor of Liam Geenen ’18
Charles Goetz and Karen Nash-Goetz in honor of
Harry “Hal” Goetz ’13
The Goldseker Foundation
The Goldsmith Family Foundation
Corbin Gwaltney ’39
The Estate of Barr Harris ’35
Ellen and Stephen Janes in honor of Max Janes ’18
Peter and Sonya Kannam in honor of Peter ’17 and Zachary Kannam ’20
Beth Harber and Henry Kay in honor of Louie ’14 and Paul Kay ’18
Richard Lamb ’65
Michael Levy ’65
Robert Manekin ’66
John Merrill and Julia Barker in honor of John David Merrill ’09
Alfred H. Moses ’47
James Patterson
Sharon and Tim Pula ’84 in honor of Grace Pula ’20
Becky and Rick Redett in honor of Quinton ’15, Carly ’18, and Maslin Redett ’18
William Reinoff IV ’70
Benjamin Rosenberg ’62
The Honorable Samuel I.“Sandy” Rosenberg ’68
Robert W. Schaefer ’51
Dr. Daniel Singer ’87
Therese Staudenmaier and Daniel J. McCarthy in honor of Maggie Staudenmaier ’20
The Aaron and Lillie Straus Foundation
Dr. Charles Emerson Walker ’59
Ira Weinstein and Angela Natale in honor of Ellie Weinstein ’17
The Wells Fargo Bank



Class of 1939
Class of 1950
Class of 1955
Class of 1959
Class of 1960
Class of 1962
Class of 1964
Class of 1965
Class of 1966
Class of 1967
Class of 1968
Class of 1973
Class of 1974
Class of 1984
Class of 1987
Class of 1993
Class of 1995
Class of 2001
Class of 2009
Class of 2010
Class of 2013
Class of 2015
Class of 2016
Class of 2017
Class of 2018


Altman in honor of Andrew Altman ’18
Leon Armour ’58
Michael and Rebecca Bainum in honor of Julia ’17 and Cora ’20
Baltimore City College Alumni Association
Baltimore Smart Set
Robert Bank ’65
Janice Barnes ’88
Sheldon Bell ’06
Andrew Bertamini
Lawrence Blum ’60
Jeffrey Blum ’64
Daniel H. Borinsky ’64
Chad Boult in honor of
Benjamin Boult ’10
Benjamin Boult ’10
Gary M. Brooks ’74
Larry D. Brown ’95
Charisma Bush ’09
Cinese Caldwell ’94
The Michael Cardin Fund
Antoine Carey ’87
Paula Carmody
The Honorable Mary Pat Clarke
Louis Cohen ’59
Allen Cohen ’65
Edward Cohn ’62
Raynetta McCormick Collins ’84
Emmett Collins Jr. ’55
Rolynda A Contee, Faculty
Karen Cooper-Coleman ’82
Rachel Green and Brendan P. Cormack in honor of Eric ’14 and Tobias Cormack ’17
Kenneth Cullings, Sr. ’63
Wilbur “Bill” Cunningham ’67
David Cypes ’65
Sarah and David Daneker ’59
Donald D’Angelo
David C. Dasch ’55
John K. Dausch ’62
Jason B. Davis ’84
Nancy Davis
Jerald Davitz ’62
Milton A Dugger Jr. ’60
Albert Einstein Jr. ’59
Joel Eiseman ’59
Elizabeth Embry ’95
Sonia Faggin-Thompson and Terrence Thompson in honor of Diego Thompson ’18
Christine and John Fischel in honor of John “Jack” Fischel ’18
Marysue Fisher
The Honorable Lawrence P. and June Fletcher-Hill in honor of William Fletcher-Hill ’14
Ilana Foss ’97
Yael Foss ’00
Veronica Freeman
Edward Friedel ’64
Ted and Fran Friedman
Ray Greenberg ’65
Theodore Hahn ’56
Nancy Hardin
Dana Harris-Trovato in honor of Geneva ’14 and Maria Trovato ’17
Kenneth Hartwill ’89
Robert R Hieronimus ’65
Lily Hill in honor of William Fletcher-Hill ’14
Earl Hoffman ’65
Jonathan and Carla Henry Hopkins ’83
Margery McIver and Leo Horrigan in honor of Eamon Horrigan ’15
Dr. Louis Hyman ’95
Elizabeth M. Nix in honor of Gareth ’11 and Nicholas Imparato ’16
India B. Lesser Foundational Trust ’62
Monica Jefferson ’88, Faculty in honor of Drew ’14 and Zoe Jefferson ’16
Thomas Jason Jones ’93
Bruce Kahn ’63
Gail Amalia and Leon D Katz ’65
Stephen Kauffman ’62
Brook and Tim Kearley in honor of Anabel Kearley ’18
Judson Kerr
Dr. Bruce Klein ’66
Ronald L. Klimes ’54
Alvin “Buzzy” Krongard ’54
Bennett and Judith Lavenstein ’62
Susan Legg, Faculty
Martin B. Lessans ’63
Roger C. Lipitz ’60
Norman J. Lorch ’63
Katharine Macdonald in honor Sloane ’18 and Mary Macdonald ’20
Glenn Marcus ’65
George James Martsoukos ’02
Stanley Mazaroff ’56
Kevin Francis McAndrews in honor of Corinne ’08 and Claire McAndrews ’12
Julie Medalis and Brian Kelley in honor of Olivia ’16 and Adam Kelley ’18
Nathaniel Melvin ’84
Jeffery Middleman ’63
Troy K. Mitchell ’89
Mirriam and Herbert Mittenthal ’65
Magda and Mark Mobley in honor of Emmett ’13 and Carolyn Mobley ’15
Neopol Smokery and Dorian Brown ’02
Donnell Newman, Jr.
Edmond Nolley ’64
Lewis Noonberg ’55
Brett O’Connor
Gregory S. Otto ’61
William Parham Jr. ’65
Beth Pepper and Mark Neustadt in honor of Celia ’08 and David Neustadt ’12
Alison and Jason Perkins-Cohen ’85 in honor of Noah Perkins-Cohen ’18
Paul Perrotto
Tim ‘84, Kristin ‘85, Sara ’87, and Jack Pula ’89 in honor of Edward ’48 and Barbara Pula
Stephanie and William Regenold in honor of Simon ’13 and David Regenold ’17
Michael Renbaum ’62
John Renner ’63
Richard Rosenblatt ’57
Ralph Rosnow  ’53
Leigh Rosoff in honor of Amy Rosoff Sampson, Faculty
The Honorable Charles A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger ’63
William Russey ’57
Dr. Jack Samuels in honor of Noah ’16 and Gabriel Samuels ’18
James Schreier, Retired Faculty
Dr. Randi Schwartz and Robert Rubinson in honor of Stella ’18 and Leo Rubinson ’20
William E. Scroggs ’65
Charles Shafer
Theresa Shafer in honor of Anna ’18 and Simone Shafer ’18
Thomas Shaner ’65
Don and Margaret Shanosky in honor of Nico ’15 and Celine Shanosky ’15
Adam Shanosky in honor of Nico ’15 and Celine Shanosky ’15
Dr. Josh Sharfstein in honor of Samuel Sharfstein ’18
Lee and Nancy Sherman in honor of Jordan ’08 and Joshua Sherman ’10
Howard Sholl, Jr. ’62
Felice Shore and Gregg Nass
in honor of Sam ’16 and Eli Nass ’18
Lara Simmons ’87
P.M. Smith ’65
Philip Stephenson ’65, Faculty
Clare Stewart in honor of Liam Geenen ’18
Ed and Karen Stokes in honor of Adam ’08, William ’11, and Eliza Stokes ’12
Elizabeth and Thomas Stosur in honor of Rachel Stosur ’18
Frank Strasburger ’63
Sandra L. Strittmatter, Faculty
Maureen Sweeney and Fritz Bauerschmidt in honor of Sophie Bauerschmidt Sweeney ’13
David and Gordana Utzschneider in honor of Nikolas ’16 and Eva Utzschneider ’18
Paul Van Peursem
Benjamin Waldron ’06
Stephanie Shapiro and Tom Waldron in honor of Benjamin ’06 and Henry Waldron ’09
Nadine Weinstein in honor of Sam Jacobson ’34, Ray Weinstein ’54, and Ellie Weinstein ’17
Claude Wintner ’55
John Wolfe
Christina and Matthew Wyskiel



John Adsit ‘06
Robert Agus ‘62
Jacob Agus-Kleinman
Al Albert ‘65
Louis Albert ‘59
Sophia Allen ‘03
Samuel Alo ‘08
Autumn Anderson ‘01
John Anderson
Jos Anshell
Marla Kolman Antebi ‘87
Jenet Artis
Paul Atkins ‘74
Judith Atkinson
Paul Atkinson ‘01
Carlos Avent ‘01
Andrea and
Bernard Hofford Awkerman
Deborah Baer
Samuel Ball-Brau ‘06
Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Alumni Association
Rolanda Bannister ‘01
Jane Barchichat P’18
Alvin Bard ‘56
Janice Barnes  ‘88
Roger Barnett ‘57
Stephen Baron
Natashia Batts ‘95
Ben Becker ‘01
Andrew Bellingham
Anthony Benesch
Sharia Benn ‘84
Helen Benton ‘01
Philip Berman
Louis Berney ‘62
Jacob Bernstein
Alan Biddison
Isabelle Briggs ‘09
Max Blumenthal
Barry D. Blumberg ‘58
Jeffrey Bolotin ‘64
Latria Bond ‘93
Melvin and Adrienne Bond ‘01
John Borden ‘64
Harry Bosk ‘70
Tina D. Boyd  ‘93
Shanika Bradford ‘99
Angela Brandford
Arthur Brickman
Joseph Briggs and Sarah Wolfenden P’09, P’20
Jillian Kotmair Bright ‘01
Qiana Broadnax ‘93
Michael Broom
Craig Brown ‘74
Patrick Brown
Shanda Brown ‘01
Shannon Brown
Troy Brown ‘83
Terry Brown-Gibbons ‘03
Carla C. Bryson ‘01
William Bundy, Ph.D.
Jay Burman
Margaret “Molly” Byron
Cinese A. Caldwell ‘94
Steve Camelotto
Pericles Caminis
Charles J Camp
Keisha Campbell ‘98
Avery Cannon
Howard Caplan MD ‘64
The Michael Cardin Fund
Paula Carmody
Robert Carr ‘01
Thomas  Casey
Joseph L Casseri ‘62
Ana Castro and John Srygley
Corwin Chancy ‘85
Takiesha Charles ‘95
Bruce H. Cherkis ‘64
Todd Cleary
Christopher Clemens ‘09
Hana  Clemens ‘14
Dick Cluster
Irvin Cohen ‘64
Louis Cohen  ‘59
Michael Cohen, M.D.
Sidney Cohen
James Cole ‘69
Philip Collector
Cecil W. Collier ‘69
Emmett Collins Jr.  ‘55
Gerald Conaway ‘64
David Conn
Nicole Connor ‘93
Travis Cook ‘98
Tamika Cook ‘01
Joan Cooper
Sunny Luisa Cooper ‘90
Karen Cooper-Coleman  ‘82
Daniel Corcoran ‘93
William Corey
William Craig ‘95
Matthew Crenson
Phil Cronin ‘85
Michael Cross-Barnet
Elizabeth Cullen
Mary Cullen
Kenneth Cullings, Sr.   ‘63
David Cunningham
Erin Breeden Cunningham ‘01
Jim  Cunningham ‘85
Frank Curtis ‘56
Jimmie Curtis
David Cypes  ‘65
Mark Daneker
Donald D’Angelo
Stanjay Daniels ‘01
Ellen and Roger Dankert
David C.  Dasch  ‘55
John K. Dausch  ‘62
Nancy Davis
Floyd B. Dean III ‘73
Frank Deems ‘59
Edward F DeJoy Jr
Lindsey DeLeo
Lisa DeLeo
David Denhardt
Ariel Deshe
Andreana Dimakakos ‘01
Tiffany Dingle ‘01
Low Kwong Dong ‘60
John Donohue Jr
Michael Douglass
Thomas Dove ‘01
Judy and David Drager
Thomas Drisgill
W. Michael Dunne, Jr.
Kia Dyson ‘01
Laurence Earp ‘60
Roderick Easter
Joseph Edmonds
Michael Edwards
Max Efremov ‘10
Yosefa Ehrlich
Joel Eiseman  ‘59
Julia Ellis
Karin Evans ‘03
Deneen Fassett ‘82
Jacquelyn Fauntleroy ‘84
Francis  Filemyr
Howard and Beverly Filtz
Jack Fischel ‘18
Gesley Fisher ‘09
Marysue Fisher
Rachel Smith Fisher ‘90
Sarah Fisher
Larry Fishman
Arthur Fleischer
Robert P. Fleishman ‘56
Leslie Fleming
Sheresse Fleming ‘03
Alice Florin
Angela Fludd-Williams ‘82
Candace Foster ‘03
Cierra Foxx
Patrice Frasier
Howard Freedlander
William French
Eleanor Frias ‘91
Jennifer Frias
Anna Friedman ‘04
Dennis Friedman
Greg Friedman ‘91
Lily Friedman ‘07
Michael Friedman
Myles F.Friedman ‘56
Ronald Friedman ‘65
Michelle Friend
Arnold Fruman ‘64
Frank Furstenberg
Michael Furstenberg
Derek Gadson ‘84
Mark Gail ‘73
Elizabeth Galbut
Sarah Gannett
Lynn Garrison
Liam Geenen ‘18
Herbert Gendason
Jacob Gillespie ‘57
Edward Gillis
Sabreta Gilmore ‘84
James Ginsburg
James Gitomer
Tonya Givens ‘93
Walter  Glazer
Michael Glenwick
Harry “Hal” Goetz ‘13
Marshall Goldberg
Louis Goldbloom
Mark Goldstein
Ana Gomez-Perez
Tom Goodman
Elizabeth Gordon
Lee Gordon ‘64
Neil Gordon
Raymond Gordon
Susan and Albert Gordon
Norman Greenberg
Rahsaan and Erica Grier ‘99
Kenya Griffin
Jan Guben ‘59
Gary Haddock
Lois Halpert
Dick Hammerschlag ‘59
Deena Hammond ‘85
Stacey Hampton
Cindy Harcum ‘88
Joseph Hardin
Nancy Hardin
Jason Harper ‘91
Nicole Harrell ‘84
Robin Harris
Susan Harris
Harris Family Trust
Jesse Hassinger ‘07
Wayne Hausman
Andrea Robinson Hawkins ‘84
Reginald Haysbert ‘64
Henry L. Hecht
Seth Hedderick
Michael G. Hendler
David Henry ‘84
Hermans Discount Inc.
Allen Hettleman
John Heyn ‘50
Carl Hickey
Katrina Hill
Jay Himmelstein ‘69
Karen Hodges
David Hoffman
Alan Hofmann
Edward “Lucky” Hogan ‘63
Danielle Holman ‘03
Emily Holmes
Brandon Hopp
Matt Hornbeck ‘85 P’15 P’18
Rogering A. Horse
Brittany Howard ‘03
P. Fife Hubbard, Jr.
Jay Huber ‘59
Thomas Hyatt ‘64
Louis Hyman
Earl Ingram
Kevin Ingram ‘97
Marjean Irwin
Brian Jackson
Donald Jackson ‘95
Ebony Jackson ‘03
Ingrid Jackson ‘99
Melanie Moore Jeffries ‘95
Allan Paul Jensen
Joe Squared
Jen Johnson ‘82
Kesha Ezbrezbeautiful Johnson ‘95
Michael Johnson
Rashad Johnson ‘13
Reginald Johnson
Teresa A. Johnson ‘84
Walida D. Johnson ‘95
William Johnson
James E. Johnston
David Jones ‘65
LaTonya Lawson Jones ‘95
Lynette Jones
Morgan Jones ‘07
Olivia Jones ‘84
Malcolm Kahn, Ph.D.
Kami ‘93
Lisa Kane and Michael Braverman
Alan Katz
Gerald Katz
Herbert Katzenberg
Stephen Kauffman  ‘62
Thomas Keck ‘88
Nekia Kelly ‘95
Jack Kent
Harry Kessler
Alan Kirschbaum ‘66
Lee Kleiman
Stanley Klein
Jacob Kleinrock
Ronald L. Klimes  ‘54
E.S. Knight
Marcia Knight
Martina Knott (Clayton) ‘87
Ann Koch P’ 18
Frederick Koenig
Mark Kolman ‘64
Michael Kong
David Konig ‘64
Judith Korn
Marshall Kramer ‘59
Sidney Krome ‘55
Frank Krueger
Damon Kyler ‘84
Laura Laing P’18
Richard Lamb ‘65
Julian Lapides, Esq. ‘49
Tom Lapsa, M.D.
Helen  Latimer
Byron Lawson Sr
James Leanos ‘62
Ben Lefstein
Daniel Leibert ‘63
Derrick Lennon
Robin Leon
Audrey Lesing
Dr Louis Levin
Harold L. Levin ‘57
Jill Levin
Karen Levin
Paul Levin
Arnold Levinson ‘62
Stevan Levy
Jimmy Lewis
Latisha Lewis ‘99
Merral Lewis
Samuel Lichter
Lori lichtman
The Honorable Brooke Lierman
Stu Linas ‘62
Hilary Lippert Linder
Kestrel Linder
Jerald Lipsch ‘64
Dorian Little ‘01
Bruce Livie
Dineka Logan
Susan Logan
Yvette Pack Logan ‘82
Edward Lorenz
Stacey Lucas ‘95
Adrienne M. ‘93
Morgan Macdonald
Alec MacGillis
Laura Cosner Malkus ‘93
Lynnea Marable-Green ‘99
Barry Markman
George James Martsoukos  ‘02
Ken Mason
Walter Black Massenburg ‘65
Jennifer Mauric ‘11
James Mayhew ‘87
Stanley Mazaroff ‘56
Paul Mazeroff
Frederick McCray Jr ‘90
Melanie M McCray ‘95
Emily McCutcheon ‘93
Sylvan McDowell
Ellen McGinnis
Daniel Meade ‘08
Ed and Monica Meade
Edward  Meade
Monica Meade
Tiffany R Melton ‘99
Nathaniel B Melvin ‘84
Frank  Mentzel
Peter Merritt ‘09
Nat Meysenburg ‘01
Mark Miazga
Tiffany Mickey ‘95
Jeffrey Middleman
Cathy Miles Smith ‘84
Donald Miller ‘57
LaCoya Mitz ‘99
Mark Mobley
Allen Mondell ‘59
Jessica Montresor-Lopez ‘01
G. Renee Moore ‘84
Irvin Moore ‘95
Ralph Morgan
Tanya Morrel P’17
Eric Morrison
Richard B. Morrison ‘64
Stanley Morrison ‘64
The Motavalli Family
Jasmine Mott ‘10
Onyekachi Mouzon’01
C. Frederick Muhl
Emily Murphy
Louis Myers
Melissa Myers ‘95
Novella Myers ‘99
Andrew Nagl ‘10
Stacey Ayers Nance ‘84
Gregg Nass
Natasha Neale
Stanley Neuhauser ‘60
David Neustadt ‘12
James N. Newton ‘64
Jason Newton ‘95
Tonette Ngassa ‘93
Tanja North
Maurice Norwood, Jr.
Lawrence Novey ‘64
Shatavia Oaks
Michael Ochs
Megan OLeary
Pacy Oletsky ‘55
Grace O’Malley
Tara O’Malley
Open Society Institute
Jerald Oppel ‘59
John Orlinsky
Noah and Aleeza Oshry
Stephen Owen ‘64
Vet Pack
DaTrice Paige ‘92
William Parham Jr.  ‘65
A. Zorel Paritzky
Joanne Parker
Lisa Parker ‘93
The Parsley Family
Edward T Paulis, Jr ‘59
Phillip Weiner Pharm.D.
Richard W Phoebus, Sr ‘56
Liza Pinto ‘93
Julien Polillo
Kristin Pula ‘85
Ebony Purdie
Octavia Randall ‘95
Sarah Ratrie ‘11
Doug Redd ‘84
Damien Reed ‘08
Kanisha Reese
Art Reeside ‘59
Chiquita Reeves ‘95
Simon Regenold ‘13
Conlyn Regester
J.D. Reisenweber
Laura Renaud
Rosalie C. Reyes
Katherine Riback P’16 P’18
Johnny Rice, II
Thomas Risser, MD ‘64
Robert Rivkin ‘57
Tony Roberts
Tonya Rooks ‘99
Stewart Rosenberg
Carla Rosenthal
Ralph Rosnow   ‘53
Dr. Kizzy Ross ‘95
Harold P. Rothman
Jay Rudo
Josh Russakis ‘09
Carolyn Sacco ‘17
Darren I. Sanders ‘84
Lawrence Sax
Robert Scherr ‘62
William Schlott
Art Schmidt ‘64
Howard Schoenfeld
James Schreier
Roger Schulman
David Schwaber
Akesha Scott ‘93
Charles Scott
Oricha Seay
Geraldine Seydoux
Angela Shaeffer ‘00
Anna Shafer ‘18
Charles Shafer
Simone Shafer ‘18
Lester Shapiro
Ben Shayne ‘94
Ronald Sher
Latasha Shoffner ‘95
Hannah Siegelberg
Kristine Sieloff
Robert Simmons
Brandon Simons ‘01
Emma Simpson
William Single, III ‘53
Steven Sklar
Anthea and Bert Smith
Laura Smith
Linnea Smith ‘99
Joseph Smothers, Jr.
James R Smyder
Cherae Sneed ‘84
Marvin Spector ‘59
Charles Spencer
Keya Spencer ‘01
Alvin Starr ‘64
Diana Steeble ‘93
Deshaun Steele ‘93
John Steele
Martin Stein
Ferrier Stillman
Walter Stone
Arthur Strasburger ‘57
Perry Stutman
Brianna Sullivan
James Sunshine
Michael Sussman
Ellen and Warren Sutton
Emily Swartz ‘09
Rachel Swartz ‘06
The Swartz Family
Dominique S. Sye ‘99
Winifred Sykes
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Tamara ‘03
John Craig Taylor Jr.
Steven Taylor
Tiffany Taylor
Robert Tucker ‘56
Syreeta Teel
Ada Terrill
Andre Thomas ‘84
Chris Thomas ‘95
Tiara ‘01
Laia Tid ‘98
Paul Timin ‘59
Katherine Tomscha
Michael Trager
Peter Trager, DDS
Michael Tucker ‘59
Nelson Tucker ‘64
Norman Tucker ‘57
Charmaine Turner P’18
Emanuel Turner ‘66
David Uhlfelder
Ross Uhlfelder
John Vakoutis
Ashley Valis
David Van Asdlen
Von Vargas ‘95
Nikia Keevie Vaughan ‘95
Samantha Streamer Veneruso ‘87
The Vey Family
Mick Vogt ‘65
Jack Wagner
Rudy Walker III
Corey Wallace ‘03
Kathleen Walsh-Little P’20, P’17
Abel H. Walter ‘59
Harvey Walters ‘59
Sandy Walters
Andrew Ward ‘06
Ellison Warmath ‘18
Arthur Waskow
James Watkins, II
Simone and Kenny Watson
Nicholas Watt
Randall Webb
Sherrie Webb ‘84
Ray Weinstein ‘55
Stanley Weinstein
Michael Wells
Warren Wertheim
Philip Wetzler
Andre White ‘84
Whole Foods
Charlita Denise Williams ‘92
Jud Williams ‘57
Khia Williams ‘92
Maceo Williams
RaShunda Williams ‘03
Teresa Williams ‘84
Deborah Wilson ‘03
Malverne Cryor Dr. Winborne
Claude Wintner  ‘55
John Wolfe
Catherine Wolkow
Margaret and Cary Woodward
Dr. Kendel M. Wylie-Pugh ‘84
Steve Wyman
Bonnie Yoffee ‘93
James Young
Lori Young ‘95
Max Zarin
Matthew Zimmerman
Martin Zuckerman

Bay Imagery, Banners
Bill Geenen, Design
Ian Patrick Hines, Website
Mount Royal Printing, Display
Emily Murphy, Animation
Joe Rubino, Video



Yavona Pirali '2001,

Director of Institutional Advancement/Development

Office 443.642.6720

BCC 410.396.6557




Mailing Address

Baltimore City College Foundation

3220 The Alameda

Baltimore, MD 21218


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